Highlander technical training courses are conducted throughout the year for service engineers from around the World.

Highlander technical training courses are conducted throughout the year for service engineers from around the World.

Hands-on work is emphasized.

Technical training courses are often held at the premises of Highlander's service providers

Technical training courses are often held at the premises of Highlander’s service providers

The mainstay of the Highlander technical support equation is training. Even though Highlander is known for designing service-friendly equipment, there is no escaping the fact that special skills and knowledge are required to perform technical maintenance on it.

Technical training is one of the busiest parts of the Highlander company. Classroom courses are conducted throughout the year in Highlander training centers and in locations of opportunity around the Globe. Many of Highlander’s technical training courses are actually held at the premises of its service providers.

Emphasis is placed on learning by doing hands-on work; theoretical teaching is kept to a minimum to fend off boredom. Students are furnished with complete technical manuals and training materials. And in special cases training aboard ship is arranged.