Welcome to Highlander! Whether you are customer, supplier, investor, partner, competitor or just a curious browser, be sure that we are glad to have you here on our website looking us over.

In the Spring of this year 2017 we celebrated our sixteenth anniversary as a company. In a relatively short timespan the Highlander company has grown into a full spectrum technology supplier delivering solutions for ship’s navigation, communications, automation and oceanographic and hydrographic measurement. Our brand has achieved Worldwide recognition as an emblem of performance and guarantee of reliability.

We well know that our task has just begun. Few are the industrial sectors as challenging as marine and oceanographic technology. Just as the seagoing environs are harsh on equipment, so are the competitive forces and risk factors that we face in today’s global business environment. In China we say 人心齐,泰山移 (rén xīn qí, tài shān yí), which means “When people work with one mind, they can even remove Mount Taishan.” This seasoned aphorism does indeed explicate the spirit of unity that we try so very hard to foment here in the Highlander company. Every one of us in this organization is pledged to a common purpose very much like the members of a family. We enjoy working hard, we like overcoming hardships together, we relish striving to do our best together as one single entity.

It goes without saying that we exist as a company only insofar as we are able to satisfy the needs of those we serve, meaning our customers and all other entities, both public and private, with whom we have relations. Our existence is truly symbiotic relative to all these entities. We therefore view our successes as common achievements to be celebrated together with all the others who enable us to live.

That’s why we say: Highlander is Brilliance with You!